Annual Privacy Notice

This notice describes the privacy policy of Cyrus Capital Partners, L.P. (“Cyrus”). Cyrus recognizes the importance of protecting your non-public personal information and is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of that information.

Cyrus collects personal information in connection with providing investment advisory services primarily to process requests and transactions, provide customer service and communicate information about Cyrus’ products and services. Personal information, which is obtained from subscription documents and other account opening forms, may include names, addresses, social security numbers or tax identification numbers, bank account information and financial information (“Personal Information”).

Cyrus maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect Personal Information. Cyrus does not disclose any Personal Information about customers or former customers to anyone, except as permitted by law. Except as described in this Privacy Notice, Cyrus will not use Personal Information for any other purpose unless Cyrus describes how such Personal Information will be used and Clients are given an opportunity to decline approval of such use of Personal Information relating to them. If you have any questions or concerns about your Personal Information or this privacy notice, please contact Jennifer Pulick at 212-380-5800 or

65 East 55th Street ▪ 35th Floor ▪ New York, NY 10022 ▪ Tel 212.380.5800 ▪ Fax 212.380.5801